Snapchat + Instagram Story Takeover!

We are always looking for ways to show the world who the walk in love. community is and how each of you, as unique individuals, walk in love. Most times a simple photo posted to Instagram or Facebook will suffice, but some stories require more than that to be told properly.


Here's the thing though, we're gonna take a wild guess and assume that you're currently thinking, “They can’t be asking someone like me to takeover, right?!?!”, or you have a million questions like, “What does that look like? How do I takeover? What do I post? WHAT SHOULD I WEAR?!?!” ? Okay that one's easy, you should wear a walk in love. tee.

 First of all, we are looking for all types of people, so you might be the perfect candidate!  Secondly, we will answer all those questions in this post.  If you read through this entire post and feel like you’d be a good fit, please apply to take over our Snapchat/Stories so we can review your application and hopefully get the process started.

We can't wait for you to share your story with our community.

Most often, we basically just want to know what your day looks like.  Do you go to work? Do you watch your kids? Do you workout? Do you sing in a band? Whatever it is you do, we want to know and see it, all while you wear your favorite walk in love. tee.

We will leave that entirely up to you.  We don’t expect you to talk about deep theological things, we just want to see how you follow Jesus in your daily life.  We’d actually prefer a light hearted story that makes people smile, laugh and happy to be alive.

Well if you have followed walk in love. for any period of time you have probably seen our founder, @tjmousetis, on his Snapchat jumping around, singing and having a great ol’ time.  And most likely you aren’t any more awkward than he already is. Relax, have fun with it, and be yourself!

First of all, you have to wear a walk in love. shirt for at least part of your story. We’d prefer you wear it for the full story, but if that just doesn't work out, that's okay.  Also, we’d like you to describe in a Snap/Story or two what the phrase walk in love. means to you, and how you try to walk in love. in your day to day life.

Uhm, swear. Or anything else offensive. Basically, keep it clean.  That means no bad language and no scandalous wardrobe choices.  Let the joy of the Lord be your strength during your takeover! (*We always reserve right to delete or remove portions of your takeover if we deem them unfit for our community of viewers.)

That is the easy part.  Simply send an e-mail to with the following information:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Location
  • Idea for your story (aka, what we should expect)
  • Ideal day of the week for your takeover
  • Your Snapchat/Instagram username so we can see what your story already looks like.
  • Attach a photo of you wearing a walk in love. shirt so we know you have one to wear during the takeover!


We will do our very best to get back to everyone, but due to the volume we receive we might not be able to reply.  Please know that we won’t be accepting a ton of people to takeover at first while we try to navigate what the Snapchat/Story takeovers look like.

Thanks for applying!